Work with me and trusted referrals

Platinum Custom Training $310/month

  • Training plan input weekly

  • Plan changes whenever needed

  • 24 hr email response/text

  • Personal training discount

  • 1x per week Zoom/phone (30 min)

Gold Custom Training $205/month

  • Training plan input bi-weekly

  • 2x month plan changes when needed

  • Weekly email

  • Personal training discount

  • 2x per month Zoom/phone (30 min)

Personal Training

As a NASM Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist I can identify less than ideal movement patterns and range of motion in every joint in the body. My approach to the gym is not only about getting stronger but moving better.

In person training based in Berkshire County, MA. More information and pricing here.

  • There are a lot of places to find training plans, including in my Trainingpeaks store. Yes, custom training is a customized training plan, but that is a small part of becoming a better athlete. I know how to prescribe training but it’s the hundred other things in combination that fascinates me. That’s what I want to explore with my custom training clients. They say if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Well, this is it for me.

    This is a one person operation. I make this site, write the articles, create the videos and input the plan into Trainingpeaks. Time is limited and the platinum plan is just paying for more of it.

    I don’t offer or require any commitment more than a month at a time. I don’t want anyone feeling locked in because they already paid. I want my clients to be successful as much as they do. If it isn’t working out for whatever reason I’m happy to refund you that month’s payment with no hard feelings. It’s more important to me to have a successful relationship than to make money here.

Consulting $50/hour

Need an e-sports DS for your team? Have a question on how to fit strength training into the routine? Want to brainstorm how to win a season long competition? There are a lot of things that go beyond the basics. Beyond the training plan.

Team Training Plan Price varies on team size

Having one group program is perfect for the team that wants to train and race together. It also makes it possible for your coach to help with team tactics, since they know everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. I have had riders who have upgraded to cat 4, gone pro, and finished top 10 at pro nationals on the same 2023 team plan. Price varies by team size.

Trainingpeaks Templates

Limited selection of pre made Trainingpeaks templates. Reach out if you’re looking for something not there.

Trusted referrals!


ATP is owned and operated by two exercise physiologists I have known for a long time named Jill and Heather. They currently offer VO2 max, lactate threshold, and body composition testing with more to come. They are based out of Great Barrington, MA.

The Recovery Room

When I had an injury in May of 2023 people told me my season was over. Luckily I had The Recovery Room in my hometown of Pittsfield, MA. Christina got me back on my bike and I won my first national championship that August.